ono sing ngerti tentang SAT test?
20:14ok bung, like this.
i just want to share again now. I've read some articles on the web mostly, i find that if someone need to apply a study admission at US it will need some requairements. One of the requairement that different with the admission at mine, my country, at US we need the SAT. What is the SAT?
If we just from the letter it mean Scholastic Assesment Test. I want to know about it. but now i have some problem. I don't know someone who know about SAT itself or someone who faced the test. At SAT, there are 3 steps of the test, reading, writting,and mathematic test. Reading test, i just imagine it like english test at the school maybe,he, i don't know, i just gueest. There tell that every test have 800 point/scores, so the total all of the test is 2400 point.
if you know about SAT, or you have friends or anything that have some relation with SAT, may you give me the information about that. You may send email to me at ariodwiprabowo@gmail.com or indonesiaku_gs@yahoo.co.id.
thanks for read this and i hope someone know about it above.
keep in dream!by the act